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Of interrogative air.
Cloud English"ha ha" cachinnation:"This eats, very delicious hey.See mine."Picked up a chewing of a piece of fish big, H'm, the flavor is very good, if is some salts is more wonderful.Next time roast fish before must chase them in the sea water and steep in a short while.
The small woman without pubic hair, small gold tiger also slowly tores to bite to roast fish and just started the very careful, didn't lead several seconds, the elephant was to come to spirit the big is big of chew, eat with relish.
The woman without pubic hair smells meat joss-stick, and then the performance that sees small tigers Be unbearable to slowly walk to come over, at that integrity of roast fish up smelt and smell.
", You also want to eat.It is all right, give you the half."Cloud English flicks sword roast fish to cut to the two pieces an among those segments to put woman without pubic hair in front.The woman without pubic hair can have no small tiger so delicate, eat so high-class, the Zhang Kou Zheng contains emollient mastication in the mouth.
Cloud English pickeds up another half to roast fish, Xi Xi, this, suddenly feel a shadow block at own up, the sunlight is held up.Raise head and look, Cape Mang huge body dish at before the body, the oneself's Rao has staring at of interest oneself's hand in of roast fish.
"Do you also want to eat?But is this still not enough you to stick between teeth something to sew."Cloud English really has some to loathe to give up, the fish here is really delicious.
Cape Mang originally to left slanting of the head changed direction right slanting, is still that the Rao had roasting of cloud English hand inside of the lookinging at of interest fish.
"You talk, as long as you say me to you."Cloud English past Ji heavy, this made a fool of the move of tiger last time, very friendly.
Cape Mang the light tone called a , cloud English just wanted to repeat that"what?What do you say?I don't understand, if Be free, I am eating."Sudden hand inside a light, roasting the fish has already entered the mouth of Cape Mang.
Cloud English is in distress situation:"You still really disappear an outside."
The small tiger fully satisfiedly licks claw son and joyfully runs to cloud English nearby and rounds him to turn round and round.But woman without pubic hair's then licking a tongue idea still don't exert of looking at cloud English, the Cape Mang after being foolish a short moment again turns head sideways to looking at cloud English.
Cloud English wry smile wears a way:"Have no, you all had already seen finish eating.Next time, I grasp more next time some good."
The woman without pubic hair repeatedly and greatly whistles to the Cape Mang, the Cape Mang lightly responds to, then quick of a head of is firm into water pond inside.Cloud English puzzles of looking at woman without pubic hair, don't know they at make what ghost, two small tigers have been rushed toward into his bosom and beat to make on his body.
The voice of "plop""plop" continuously rings out, a fish of is from Shui-li flew up to fall in cloud English nearby, each have much long one meters.
, Is this what things?So many oneselfs how have never seen thing?Isn't this the flying fish that has been already disappeared completely?This, this BE
"Bomb!"The surface up peeps out Cape Mang huge skull, the mouth inside still bites an only about a Zhang grows of water snake, "plop" falls off again at oneself's in front,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com.
Good heavens!Doing not make is wrong?You what is this a stem?Have a meal?Still need to hold marine products article exhibition?Looking at to tightly stare at own two work properly a monster in the first 8,000 years, cloud English really wants to cry, why want to eat for them to roast fish?There was the career of gold and silvered sable still doing not know to absorb precept by himself/herself.
If with the firewood roast like a fish about take more than a hour, cloud English is silent to calculate, puts a monster for working properly of two 8,000 yearses need not too wasted.
"H'm, the sky becomes angry and look to have no not satisfactory."Last for an hour, cloud English doesn't like a simple big, Luo's row of the rock wood dog dinner of inside wear, present a strange of type.Anyway and regardless and what things arriving inside in his hand to have no 1 can keep original kind.
Cloud English is from the universe bag in take out a silvery long Suo, waving hand to clean up more than tens the good big fish has already put on and still entered an inside.
"Now it's your turn to express and thoroughly roasted with the fire."Because one of cloud English orders, working properly of two 8,000 yearses monster together to really become angry to vomit fire.In a short instant more than ten fishes that has already left human life are beaten into purgatory, at flaming and very hot fire in never super living.

Chapter 38 is all over the place a treasure

"Making an effort is a little bit small, do you think that this is fighting?The fish soon burned."Cloud English loudly shouts and love of looking at inside of roast fish.
Oneself really despised real strenght too much for 8,000 years, and working properly of still two 8,000 years the real strenght for getting up in the monster house.
"Did not you have a meal?The so small fire roasts to also roast till next year not good."Cloud English just finished saying, a flame unexpectedly fled a true fire to hurtle to him.
"!"Cloud English yelled to leave and loved of looking at oneself's a little bit some hairs for aring burned, alas, exactly is a wild beast, no one guy.
Looking at be roasted of everything is completely changed but is a few rare fishes of the human life, cloud English keeps shaking head, can't, eat.Oneself anyway has already made an effort, oneself can open small cooking stove next time, and their fishes roast by himself/herself.
Have no oneself to roast so goodly, but is not so difficult either to eat, the woman without pubic hair Cape Mang eats not as well happy, turn an eye enough cloud English's eating a few foods of months be almost exhausted exterminated by them.
Wild beast!In the brain of cloud English only a phrase, because for generally edible of person, you describe with the pig can also, but their appetites aren't 1200 pigs to compare.Cloud English slowly looking at the best to oneself and have no what be burned the fish of trace and shave the fish bone put in two small tiger in fronts.
Their appetites are also quite good, not the Kui is the posterity of wild beast, cloud English just has much of stiring of interest them to have fun.These two small tiger innate intelligences are hundred percent, beg for a person to like very much, cloud English has difficult to express fancy to them.
The woman without pubic hair finally stopped down and stretched a lazy waist and shouted at top of voice toward the mountain, the voice ran apace some excessively, however 1210 insides always can of.Cloud English is got a fright, a bottom sits at ground up, interrogative of looking at woman without pubic hair, have no a matter you hair what nerve?
The white only twinkles, two white apes are quick of fly to flee down from the halfway up a hill, hasty such as the lightning flash can not block quickly and turned an eye to is woman without pubic hair before the body.Finish respectfullly finish respectfully of station's woman without pubic hair in front in lazy ocean ocean, a heap of in the handle knob wild fruit puts at its nearby.Yun Ying discovers that a white ape incredibly has eight arms, and very familiar looking, seem to where once see.
Eight arm white ape elephants are the perplexities that felt cloud English, orders to him, arm a decrease finally becomes similar to the general ape.
", Is you, appreciate your wild fruit, the flavor is very good."
The white ape point noded "Zhi Zhi" to call 2, turn round with another a head of the smaller white ape flew up the sky to leave together.
Woman without pubic hair nearby of the thing entirely sweep cloud English with the tail nearby, cloud English points a way of asking by himself/herself:"All of these are to send to mine?"
The woman without pubic hair nods to roar low, the cloud great talent starts conjecturing this a lot of wild fruits, , is a ginseng, soon took shape, probably had more than 2,000 years.H'm, the mythic fungus that is thousand years, can also, what is this ?Thousand years of fu ling, Huang Jing and flowery knotweed also has a heap of the thing that can see only in the in the book by himself/herself.The Yi is Zhu Guo, there are two trees in home, several a hundred years just one result of, this is the extremely rare jewelry.
"Many thanks to woman without pubic hair you, these thing I like very much."Cloud English waves hand to accept a heap of extremely rare medicine material into the universe bag inside.The Cape Mang orders to turn round to drill into water pond to him, cloud English feels suspicious of looking at to come out in water pond of Dou atmosphere bubble, this water pond is a little aer lot too big.Seem to be still to deeply disappear bottom of that kind of.
The guy with no sense of honor finishes eating and then walks, cloud English in the mind is dark the Mang scolding Cape don't act like a friend, oneself and two small tigers play, anyway carefree is also carefree.
What way can go home?Oneself doesn't know road again, it is nothing doing to fly to return to affirmation, in case of meet what tornado what of, will definitely hang something to drop.Where is this exactly?
And then no one can ask, to!Asking the person is to have no, I can ask ghost.Cloud English happily jumped, small tiger Related articles:

