
www.beats4monster.co.uk Wang Jin San people

Book 14 fishing suns stir up chapter 604 Pei mutually of dead(up)
Is Chang-an similar to the Luo sun, also snow to have heavy snow, three days in heavy snow, have already gradually stopped, in the whole world an expanse of white one, distance Chang-an the city be like to cover with a big white cape, stretch to from a distance the ash receive of in the act color smoke Li, the willow becomes swollen silver, many tree branches are pressed by the heavy snow to break, pathetically lie in snow ground, some low-lying and damp ground of be also filled up by the heavy snow to make whole, become an expanse of white one flat ground.
Is a Ba bridge here army camp, Li Qing An troops at half of two-hour period ex- arrived army camp, the sky had already been getting blacker at this time, the exhausted food for powder mostly and early and early sleeps to go, but in soldier handsome debt in still the lights is bright, several hundred soldiers stand guard outside the big debt and be on guard very tight.
Inside the big debt, thousand cow Wei great commander soldier south fog cloud and inside the Wei intelligence report hall get beard Pei generally cloud just from Chang-an rushed through, the strict Chuang also together came, their 3 people's justing made collective report toward Li Qing An occurrence be Chang-an assassinating a big case.
"Assassinate case occurrence in spring clear avenue, was already a midnight at that time, according to our survey, that several days Pei prime minister every day all want to read memorial to arrive very late, the murderer obviously controled him this regulation, from the spot of investigated to see, the murderer hides on a big tree and in advance did hand and foot on the road at that time, when the wagon of Pei prime minister passes by big tree, the right side car wheel sink into pit a while inside, his attendant down lift a car, the Pei prime minister also opens a car window to stretch forward to inspect, the murderer convenience is used this opportunity, use poison Nu arrows one arrows shoot to kill Pei prime minister."
The south fog cloud rushes through to leave for the spot in momentary, clear to the then circumstance, he sighed.Annoy a way again:"The spot one was confusion at that time, the Pei Zun celebrated of the attendant mostly has never been subjected to what trained, was all his domestic, those two fierce persons"…………"
"Etc.!"Li Qing's safety hit broke him, " are you to say to have two murderers?"
"Afterwards I just know two fierce persons, they receive noodles, the cent head escapes, all very ferocious, a connect the attendant of killing the Pei prime minister of 56 people basically block not live, at the right moment at that time my a brigade patroled a soldier pass by, heard shout a voice, then blocked up that person of one among those persons see have no one to turn to, commit suicide."
"What about that another murderer?"
"Another murderer along with takes to climb wall Suo, he climbed Gao Qiang to jump into inside the even Kang shop, don't know a Zong, afterwards I start out 5,000 soldiers to blockade an even Kang shop and search from door to door, all having no can find out a vulgar job of murderer inability, ask for pardon to the great commander soldier!"
Li Qing An shakes a way:"It is a midnight, the other party receives noodles again, it is a male to connect is none of females to know, your howing to seek to get is perhaps a songstress of even Kang shop, this isn't you be delinquent, and I don't blame you."
"Thank a great commander soldier!"
Li Qing An turns a head to ask the beard Pei cloud way again:"Inside what progress does the Wei there have?"
Beard Pei cloud hurriedly starts a way:"Report back a great commander soldier, we still in the survey."
"Is there result?"
"The clues finds out a lot, but belongs to next think all not very ideal."
"Said to see, all found out what clues?"
Beard Pei cloud takes out a portable brochure and turned over 2:"We are mainly the fierce persons who commits suicide from that and commence his identity, we have already checked and named Qi even, is a patrol of right original Long soldier, Chang-an person, both die from the little parents, escape back and Chang-an and then open at his uncle from the Jing state before half year of work in a Biao bureau, we time the hair picture was exactly his uncle to recognize he, I cautiously investigate background in the Biao bureau again, basically can expel a suspicion."
"Return to great commander soldier this Qi Be even to just hold a position in name under the Biao bureau, in fact he has never had to once do a matter, is all that the completely independent movements is hidden for the Biao bureau, who all doesn't know what he is doing?We turned over to check his product again he fore have already burned all things for a day, cover up under the bed Ta, can not find any clues in his room, however…………"
"However what?"
"However he uses of poisonous Nu we check clues, have serial number on board in the Nu, don't be completely whetted, we ask the person of arms Jian to recognize and checked the serial number of this Nu machine, also checked arms Jian record, this Nu machine is four year agos is gone together with by the arms Jian to send to Fan Yang Jun."
"Anne Lu mountain?"
"BE!Really drive Anne the troops of the Lu mountain get to walk, however this kind of Nu is very small, the artillery range only have 60 and differs from general soldier Nu, generally is a patrol use."
Li Qing An carried to walked several step, turn head to ask a way:"Your meaning is to say, assassinating the Pei prime minister is Anne Lu mountain BE?"
Beard Pei cloud but shook to shake head, "belong to next think be not, if is really Anne Lu mountain think that this is to obviously plant Zang for, Nu the on board serial number should be a sword south soldier, belonging to descending."
Li Qing An is tiny tiny on smiling, again way:"If is falsely solid, solid falsely it?Anne Lu mountain intentionally make the other people calculate this is to plant Zang, also have this kind of may, BE!"
Beard Pei cloud still kept shaking to shake head, "report back a great commander soldier, Anne Lu mountain just Chang-an is going to the scout in the pass have already all been cleared clean, this belongs to under have self-confidence, assassinate Pei prime minister this kind of important event, need to plan, premeditate, observe, buy fierce etc. step, isn't 12 people and then can accomplish, is not likely to be Anne Lu mountain for, moreover, belong to under once checked to be fierce to the person's body as well, discovered that the wine that his supper drinks is first grade three Lei syrupses, Chang-an can sell this kind of wine of have no several house, is carrying on a survey for this clues, basically have been already checked, under way investigate in detail now in, if getting along, belong to under will immediately make collective report to the great commander soldier."
Li Qing An returns calculate more satisfied beard Pei the survey of cloud, the expel resolute expel, the meticulous inquire into, not the Kui is that the intelligence report is open main, he smiled to smile, then the branch opens a topic to ask a way:"Mutually state after losing to the enemy, together rain hu ā how is their circumstance?"
This is extremely also Li Qing An the matter of concern, mutually the state loses to the enemy, the Lu mountain troops of Anne by all means will hurtle to go into the city inside greatly open to kill, the intelligence report hall news in Hebei ruptures and makes him pretty much worried.
Beard Pei cloud hurriedly way:"This is to belong to next want to make collective report toward the great commander soldier of matter, together rain hu ā they break through siege success with the troops, now in the Bo state, they had no carrier pigeon, so can not circulate news, still mutually the state hall advocate that the virtuous treasure escapes river(Yin) and just just delivered to news."
A heart of Li Qing An put down, then to the south fog cloud and the beard Pei cloud way:"You return to first!Hereafter want to strengthen a rightness from three article the above officials' protection, at least and strictly train their domestic attendants, I don't want to hear the news that the heavy minister be assassinated again."
"BE!The vulgar job follows instructions."
The south Ji cloud and beard Pei cloud 2 people left, in the big debt remained Li Qing An and strict 2 people in the Chuang, the strict Chuang hasn't been talking, and Li Qing An smiles to ask him a way at this time:"What about the Sir's viewpoint?Does the Pei Zun celebrate to is killed by who?"
Strict Chuang light Le rat beard, in no hurry way:"I think that Pei Zun's celebrating isn't killed by the outsider, must be a big minister in dynasty BE.
"Are you to say fight for party groupings?"
The strict Chuang point nods to say with smile:"Should be so the imperial government influence have already split into three parties now, a parties is a Pei party, the Pei Zun celebrates, Lu Huan, king*another parties is a Wei party, Wei Tao, even Cui, Zhang Yun:It is a new party to still have a parties is an airtight lately- established Shu place, is led by Pei Man, the new party isn't so bad, Be just political views top and politics hall have conflict, Pei Man and Pei Zun celebrated to greatly fight several times and heard uncle's nieces all turned over a face and related to very Jiang however the Pei is consistent to hate bitterly this kind of politics assassinates of means, I doubt to is a Wei party BE."
At this time,www.beats4monster.co.uk, Li Qing An suddenly thought of in those early years he is nearly assassinated in the Yang state Yi building one matter, is a Wei Tao BE, though drive his son-in-law Di the king force after all this person pour first.
He smiled to smile short cut:"Pei Zun's celebrating is pre-eminent, in order to support household influence to stop at nothing, and then want to imitate Li Lin big power just only Lan, the person who give offense to is a lot of, and he is mutually right, killing him can to dynasty bureau disorder, regardless to Anne the Lu a mountain still Li Heng is all beneficial so he regardless drive who kill, all probably, we didn't once want to early draw a conclusion, the urgent matter of the moment is steady to live now dynasty bureau, select lately right prime minister quickly."
The strict Chuang is silent to nod, stop him to ask a way again:"How is the great commander soldier warfare in Hebei?"
"I get news while leading a Tong pass, Guo Zi Yi withdrew river east, although the Anne Lu mountain overruns mutually state,his hay is burned down by my patrol, he is sad this winter warfare in Hebei should be calm a period of time and at the right moment make use of for this period of time, I want to be Chang-an doing some affairs."
2 people said that the logistic matter in some soldiers strict Chuang then took leave again, a person of Li Qing An contemplated a short moment in the big debt life then close soldier's way:"Go to and give° Zhang Zhi Jie me to seek."
Zhang Zhi Jie is Zhang Yun's its son, the Anne west joins the army in the soldier, is a civilian post military officer now, at present he in the neighborhood of Ba bridge inside another army camp, not much, he then in a hurry entered a big debt along with the close soldier.
"Clerk Lang Zhang Zhi Jie pays respects to a great commander soldier!"
Zhang Zhi Jie is soldier Chinese job officer, need not be like a soldier so the half kneel to march a gift, just the Gong body salutes then can, Li Qing An puts a hand way:"Sit!"
Zhang Zhi Jie though Zhang Yun's son, but the family training is strict, never rely on a father power and influence deceit the person is low-key and strictly control oneself, the personal character is very good, join the army half year, his associate doesn't know that he is Zhang Yun's son up to now.
Zhang Zhi Jie knows rules in soldier, he didn't sit, but hanged a hand but signed and waited Li Qing An to talk, Li Qing An ordered, that's a good boy, then say with smile:"Soldier in how feel?Anne the west soldier soldier is the rules scathing, can adapt to?"
"Report back a great commander soldier, the vulgar job works well this of matter, although the soldier rules is strict,the other people can obey, the vulgar job can also obey."
Li Qing An orders, he with turn over to open Zhang Zhi Jie's examination of table, not from tiny tiny one Zheng, just join the army half year, then have already got three tops review and take again 1 up review, next April then can get a top top examination, up and up examine continuously for three years and then can rise one class, quite good!
Li Qing An closes an examination and smiled to say with smile:"At the right moment lack the Zhuan pen of a clerk in my brave warrior soldier, adjust you to come over!"
Zhang Zhi Jie's exultation, the clerk of the brave warrior soldier Zhuan pen is mainly responsible for drafting Li Qing An's military command and be like win the medium book of book province give up a person, although the post isn't high,is a confidential job, very and easily be risen sharply, Li Qing An this is to become to mutually weigh to use oneself, he the hurried Gong body salute a way:"The vulgar job great commander soldier promotes!"
Li Qing An is tiny tiny on smiling, way:"Moreover there is also a matter, you go into the city a , take a message for your father for me."
Pei Zun's celebrating is assassinated and made to Chang-an fall into disorder toward the bureau, though really being fierce to is whirling,many courtiers all pointed to Wei party and new party to the pike head, the public sentiment arouses an anger.
Politics' assassinating always is all imperial government to greatly hate, this involves to each person of slice a body benefits, therefore it gradually became a kind of officialdom Qian rule, no matter how it is of officialdom conflict, can not use the means that politics assassinates, once being revealed, by all means willing cause officials to totally beg for, with as for is notorious, lose political prospect.
Li Yan was assassinated and then caused to lift last time however the big wave , no matter it was Li Yan's allied or rival, all haded been rebuking this kind of bad behavior and made Li Heng encounter tremendous pressure, was revealed true facts by the survivor so much, is Anne Lu mountain BE, just once made Li Heng escape on robbing, but Anne the fame of the Lu mountain have already thoroughly corrupted.
The Pei Zun celebrates this time drive assassinate also similar perpetrate many Nus, though the Pei Zun celebrates peacetime behavior the Ke engrave, battle's wearing oneself is the grandfather of the son of Pei Wan and make every effort to seize power, the person who give offense to is a lot of, greatly parts of courtiers all bad impression he, he meets a sting this time,arouse official hierarchy's condemning, not for the sake of him, but for send punitive expedition the behavior of this kind of breakage officialdom rule.
All suspects became the official hierarchy condemns of object, Wei party, new party, Li Heng and Anne Lu mountain, even Cui house, all drive official hierarchy hostile opinion, include each political influence inner part, also mostly have disaffection, is this, the Wei party inner part also opened to urgently moderate meeting, public all unanimously deny that oneself killed Pei Zun to celebrate, even the Wei Tao, Zhang Yun and Wang Jin San people all have been already suspected with each other.
Zhang Yun is one of Wei party triumvirates, he equally bore huge pressure this time, because he publicly once scolded Pei Zun to celebrate:, Celebrating father is deathless, the Lu doesn't already is difficult"the everyones all know that he says of celebrate father is a Pei Zun to celebrate, not Li Qing An.
These several days Zhang Yun's mood isn't extremely good, also not intentional go fishing, the whole day closes oneself in the 〖 building to read in the 〗 , the matter in the dynasty he also stops one's ears, it is airtight to free to Shu everywhere place, the man didn't don't love a power, Zhang Yun go into Huan several decades, already senior old bureaucrat, though he is also several through drift along, for hoping power(desire), he always enthusiasm don't reduce.
Zhang Yun also gradually feels at this time, politics hall already drive Shu the airtight place builds on stilts, although Shu the performance organization of the airtight place, settle a style to have 1:Any isnot definitely, Shu airtight place can from place it.
Is also say, the Shu airtight place can lead politics hall resolution by impassability, oneself handles a dynasty duty, this is unequal to be cent power?
Is very obvious, Li Qing where started all over again, this made Zhang Yun very upset, he would rather the left prime minister isn't appropriate, lose stripe into airtight place of Shu, that means the prospect in future, but Li Qing An basically has no this meaning, this makes Zhang Yun have a kind of felling with dreary prospect.
Zhang Yun reads in the book 〖 building 〗 , he has a little confused and worried, a word also sees not to go in, when the man feels vexed on the business, always thought of to seek a women, Zhang Yun just thinking start to seek to ownly spoil Qie, the doorway suddenly spread a reporting of servant report:"Master, two Langs came back, see master urgent matter."
Two Langs are second sons Zhang Zhi Jie, is clerk Lang in the soldier at the Anne west, Zhang Yun Yi Zheng, his life see a sand filter, already quick arrive Hai, he so late comes to do what
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